Item #6
Holistic Clinic
The Aromatherapy Company has developed this beautiful and highly effective organic range using years of experience
from working with pregnant ladies, teaching midwives and most importantly of all being mothers.

This moisturising bath milk is especially blended to relax and help prepare the mind and body fo birth. Enriched with essential oils of Rose, Mandarin and Frankincense.
100 ml £14.00
Item #8

These cleansing dead sea salts are infused with organic essential oils of Lavender, Tea Tree and Cypress which helps to cleanse, soothe and heal after your baby's birth. Just add a tablespoon full of the salts to the bath.
55 g £10.00
Item #9

These are ideal for morning sickness, anxiety or during labour.
£5.99 each P & P is free Confirm nasal inhaler when ordering
Item #11

Burning candles with wicks that contain lead cores can lead to indoor air concentrations of lead that exceed EPA-recommended limits. It is said that the sooty residue left after burning some candles may also contain toxins, including benzene and toluene.
These beautiful candles are made from pure essential oils and soy wax. The wicks are made from paraffin wax and cotton making them totally safe in the home environment.
All come in a box for easy wrapping.
200 g and 40 hrs and burning time and only £10.99 each. p & p will be added.
Positive Vibes - Clary Sage & Peppermint
Clear Thinking - Rosemary
Be Chilled - Lavender & Fennel
Item #13
Item #14
Item #15

Item #12
Castor Oil Packs can be used for cleansing and regulating the internal organs. Disorders relating to digestion, intestines, liver, lungs or reproductive organs benefit from castor oil packs including backache.
Packs contain 200 ml or organic castor oil, cloth and plastic.
You will need an old towel, hot water bottle and airtight jar which is to be kept in the fridge.
P & P is free £14.99 - sent out first class.
I am quite happy to incorporate a castor oil pack whilst you are having a reflexology treatment and then the remainder can be taken home to use when required.
When ordering please confirm item number